Friday, June 27, 2008


...Bring back orbie start...
reason why is because with val it easy for us old players to just get right to it but for new players it a little hard. with the orbie start it will make things a little easier and it will give more choice from the start. plus it fun

...Sent Shield Tech Lvl to 15...
reason been, it counter-part cySent starts you off at 31 if we have half of that it will be a great hel p without having to waste too much kc and time.

...For Basing add a 5% Accuracy to the wall...
reason been is that it will give the perfect added basing stat to run an efficiency base testing for beginner

...End game Boss Battle or like a mission or something...
i know many people will agree on this one but after a few days the game gets mad boring right after u can get your ravager.. and been able to beat True Guard with out any merc
we need an End game mission where you need like 150 mission completed and over 20m bm and the quest would be like a base defend type but you will have nothing but cruisers mix in True guard or a new General from the Fed and like only hardcore enemy's to fight

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